
Incorporating the Element of Surprise in Your Events

In the dynamic world of event planning and marketing, capturing and retaining audience attention is the ultimate challenge. Amidst a landscape saturated with predictable experiences, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out from the rest and leave a lasting impression. 

Marketers spend lots of time planning and implementing the details of upcoming events, campaigns, and launches. Often, these strategies include announcing news to audiences well in advance. But have you ever considered using the element of surprise to capture your potential customers’ attention? By including unexpected moments in your marketing strategy, you can create immersive and unforgettable experiences that resonate deeply with attendees and viewers alike. 

Why Surprise Marketing Works

“Even if you think you don’t like surprises, your brain does,” according to Scientific American. They outline a study performed by scientists at Emory University and Baylor College of Medicine in an attempt to discover why our brains react positively to the unexpected. They set up two groups and either squirted fruit juice or water into their mouths, monitoring brain activity through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), as they did so. One group received fruit juice in a predictable pattern, while the other group got an unpredictably timed squirt of juice. The findings changed the way we understand the brain and pleasure. This summary from two of the participating scientists explains it perfectly: 

"Until recently, scientists assumed that the neural reward pathways, which act as high-speed Internet connections to the pleasure centers of the brain, responded to what people like. However, when we tested this idea, we found that reward pathways responded much more strongly to the unexpectedness of stimuli instead of their pleasurable effects. We find that so-called pleasure centers in the brain do not react equally to any pleasurable substance, but instead react more strongly when the pleasures are unexpected. This means that the brain finds unexpected pleasures more rewarding than expected ones, and it may have little to do with what people say they like."1

3 Benefits of Using Surprise in Your Marketing

This research, conducted in the early 2000s, was groundbreaking at the time — and it’s influenced marketing campaigns ever since. Our lives have become increasingly predictable since we hold smartphones and laptops that can tell us just about anything we need to know with just a few taps. We can see upcoming traffic jams, view restaurant menus before we arrive, and read reviews to learn about a product before we add it to our carts. Not all of this is bad, of course — but it removes the surprise element from our daily lives. When marketers find ways to bring back the delight of the unexpected, audiences experience unique benefits that anticipation just doesn’t provide. Here are three benefits to implementing surprise in your marketing strategy.

Ignite their curiosity. 

Whether you’re hosting a brand new event or setting up for your annual conference, give your attendees the feeling of stepping into a space or situation for the first time. Yearly conferences often do this by coming up with a different theme every year, surprising attendees with special performers or treats, and crafting new immersive experiences for guests to enjoy.

Similarly, when launching a new product, marketing strategies should offer an engaging experience for viewers. By sparking interest and curiosity, you can grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged. Surprising elements such as unexpected performances, guest speakers, engaging reels, or questions proposed in an ad can captivate participants and compel them to explore and interact with your event on a deeper level. 

Build an emotional connection. 

Surprise can help your audience tap into the full spectrum of human emotions. When the human brain experiences surprise, it releases dopamine and noradrenaline — the chemicals that create happiness and concentration. So, not only does surprise trigger positive feelings, but it helps the viewer of said surprise focus on what’s being shown to them, making it more memorable. Once an attendee or viewer feels the emotion of surprise, it’s easy for them to forge authentic connections with your brand. 

Create shareable content. 

The influence of social media and the digital landscape cannot be overstated, and surprises are inherently shareable. By providing attendees with compelling content to capture and share across their social networks, you give your brand a boost by way of free promotion. From Instagram-worthy moments to viral-worthy stunts, unexpected elements amplify social sharing and exponentially extend the reach and impact of your event. 

When to Use Surprise Marketing — and When to Avoid It

Now that you have this powerful tool at your fingertips, it’s important to use it well. Consider your audience when choosing surprises for your event. Not every event is suitable for surprises, and not all types of surprises are suitable for all types of audiences. Deciding when and how to surprise your guests is made easier when you design your events with empathy, putting yourself in the shoes of your attendees to create an event that is truly tailored to their preferred experience. When you personalize and tailor your events, your audience will know that you truly care about them. The ultimate answer to, “When should I use surprise marketing?” is one only you can give — and you’ll find it by learning more about your attendees. 

A People-First Event Marketing Partner

To host successful events in 2024, you must keep up with today’s marketing trends and dedicate yourself to crafting unique attendee experiences. If you’re looking for an event partner who’s as focused as you are on connecting with your audience and creating incredible experiences, we’re here to help. 

At Redstory, we connect brands to people, and people to change through branding, marketing content and strategy, and experiential events. We’d love to help you delight your attendees with the art of surprise — connect with our team today to get started.